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As of April 12, 2011 My goal is to read minimum a book a week, my list and dedication with dates shown here
Yes, some you may see twice, because I felt led to re-read them

April 13 - MLM BluePrint "draft" by Kody Bateman
April 18 - You Can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought - by Peter McWilliams & John-Roger
April 25 - Rebuilding from Ground Zero - by Seni Hazzan
May 2 - Appreciation Marketing - by Tommy Wyatt and Curtis Lewsey
May 9 - Get Motivated - by Tamara Lowe
May 16 - The Queen's Legacy - by Katrina Ferguson
May 231 - The 60 second referral - by Anita Williams
June 1 - Go For No! - by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz
June 61 - The Secret - by Rhonda Byrne
June 13 - Get Noticed...Get Referrals - by Jill Lublin
June 20 - Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting - by Lynn Grabhorn
June 27 - Bodacious Woman - by Mary Foley
July 4- Maximum Influence - by Kurt Mortensen
July 11 - The Attractor Factor - by Joe Vitale
July 18 - How to sell anything to anybody - by Joe Girard
July 25 - Creating Your Own Destiny - by Patrick Snow
Aug 1 - Secrets from the SOC Drawer - by Jules Price
Aug 8 - High Voltage Success - by Marcie Cook
Aug 15 - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - by T Harv Eker
Aug 22 - I Am Potential: Eight Lessons on Living, Loving, and Reaching Your Dreams - by Patrick Henry Hughes
Aug 29 - I am rich beyond my wildest dreamsI am, I am, I am - by Thomas Pauley
Sept 5 - Stay The Course - by Adam Packard
Sept 12- Promptings - by Kody Bateman
Sept 19 - The 45 Second Presentation that Will Change Your Life - by Don Failla
Sept 26 - Beach Money - by Jordan Adler
Oct 3 - Success for Teens: the Slight Edge - by Jeff Olson
Oct 10 - The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity - by Catherine Ponder
Oct 17 - The Science of Getting Rich - by Wallace Wattles
Oct 24 - How to Win Friends and Influence People - by Dale Carnegie
Nov 1 - Stand and Deliver - by Dale Carnegie
Nov 7 - The Compound Effect - by Darren Hardy
Nov 14 - Financial Peace - by Dave Ramsey
Nov 21 - The Slight Edge - by Jeff Olson
Nov 28 - Building Your Network Marketing Biz - by Jim Rohn
Dec 5 - Thinking for a Change - by John C Maxwell
Dec 121 - 20 day persuasion - by Michael Lee


Jan 2- Think n Grow Rich - by Napoleon Hill
Jan 9 - Leading Leaders to Leadership - by John Fuhrman
Jan 16 - Dear Family - by Zig Ziglar
Feb 1 - The Everything Law of Attraction Book - by Meera Lester
Feb 6 - Get a Grip 1000 ways for a teen to hold on - by Lindsay & Marilyn Terry
Mar 5 - You Were Born Rich - by Bob Proctor
July 2 - 50 Affirmations For Next Level Living - by Early Jackson
July 20 - MLM Blueprint - by Kody Bateman
July 21 - The Business of the 21st Century - by Robert Kiyosaki
Sept 13 - The Magic of Believing: Believe In Yourself - by Vic Johnson
Oct 1 - 365 Thank Yous - by John Kralik
Oct 14 - A Better Way to Live - by Og Mandino


Jan 1 - Magic of Thinking Big - by David J. Schwartz
Mar 1 - The Locket - by Emily Nelson
Mar 8 - May 25, 2013When Everything Changes, Change Everything - by Neale Donald Walsch
Jun 5 - ONE - How many people does it take to make a difference? - by Dan Zadra
Jun 16 - How to Get Absolutely Anything you want - by Margie Aliprandi
Aug 5 - Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting - by Lynn Grabhorn
Aug 13 - You 2: A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps - by Price Pritchett


April 20 - Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional - by Eric Worre
May 1 - The MBA of Selling in the real world - by Harvey MacKay
May 10 - The Paradigm: Success Codes for Life - Carla Wynn
June 15 - Think & Grow Rich for women - Sharon Lechter
Aug 1 - Laws of Success - Napoleon Hill
Aug 10 - Trim Healthy Mamas - Serene and Pearl

Books on my list to read
(let me know if you have others you think are great)

Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got - by Jay Abraham
Guide to Greatness in Sales - by Tom Hopkins
How to Master the Art of Selling - by Tom Hopkins
How to Master the Art of Selling DVD - by Tom Hopkins
Low Profile Selling - by Tom Hopkins
Selling for Dummies - by Tom Hopkins
Sales Prospecting for Dummies - by Tom Hopkins
1,000 Greetings: Creative Correspondence Designed for All Occasions
Finding the Right Words - Perfect Phrases to Personalize Your Greeting Cards
The Ultimate Guide To Network Marketing - by Dr. Joe Rubino
How to Recruit and Sell - by Dr. Keith Laggos
Bank On Yourself - by Pamela Yellen
Chicken Soup for the Network Marketer's Soul - by Jack Canfield
How to get rich without winning the lottery - by Keith Schreiter
Parable of the Pipeline - by Burke Hedges
Thank You Power:Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You - by Deborah Norville's
The Power of the Subconscious Mind - by Joseph Murphy
How to Become Filthy, Stinking Rich Through Network Marketing - by Mark Yarnell
Million Dollar Year - by Richard Fenton

I'm here to help YOU achieve YOUR dreams!

Laurie Delk

AOL IM Name- KJV Prov31
P.O. Box 251
Columbia, TN 38402
Phone: (931) 380-8811
Fax: (931) 381-2057
Cell: (931) 626-0280

My Instant Messangers: AOL - Prov 31, Yahoo - Prov_31, Skype - lauriedelk, MSN - lauriedelk, Trillian - lauriedelk

My Networking Places - Come Network with Me!: Twitter, FaceBook, Linked In

If you are in business, one of the TOP things is to NETWORK with others. The best way to learn how or to stay in learning, is to subscribe to the Networking Times I highly recommend it.

I am a Web Designer and Internet Marketing Research Co-ordinator
I am a Client Retention Specialist
I am a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations
I have a continuing program of research, in the laboratory and in the field.
I'm working for my Masters, and already have four credits, (2 daughters & 2 sons).
Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities, (any mother care to disagree.?.)
I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it).
But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.

"Laurie is my friend and sister who encouraged me to start my business with Send Out Cards, and she encourages me daily. She is a success because of her faith in God, her positive and sunny outlook on life, and what she continually pays forward and blesses back. I am proud and honored to have such an individual in my life and someone who makes a ministry out of edifying others and building other's dreams of success." -- Tami Kilmarx

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